The Gottman Connect Check-up Assessment
A RELATIONSHIP WELL-BEING PLATFORM: Online Therapy available in Florida, Maryland, Virginia
The Enhanced Gottman Relationship Checkup is designed as a tool for use by clinicians in a professional setting to offer precision help for your unique relationship. The Enhanced Gottman Relationship Checkup provides direct feedback that’s specific to your relationship, what’s going well, and areas to focus on with your clinician. The goals of Gottman Method Couples Therapy are to disarm conflicting verbal communication, increase intimacy, respect, and affection, remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy in conflicting situations, and create a heightened sense of empathy and understanding within the context of the relationship.
This tool streamlines the relationship assessment process for your therapist, providing personalized, clinical feedback plus specific recommendations for treatment based on your answers.
1. Accept the Invitation
Your clinical professional will invite you via email.
2. Create Your Profile
One for each person in the relationship.
3. Complete the Questionnaire
Complete these separately.
4. View Your Results
You will be notified by your clinical professional when your questionnaires have been processed and evaluated.
Make an appointment to get started!
SELF-HELP Virtual Gottman Relationship Assessment Treatment Plan From Home Program:
Virtual Gottman Relationship Assessment Treatment Plan From Home Program
No waitlist. No need to schedule. Ever.
The goals of The Gottman Method Home Study Program are to disarm conflicting verbal communication, increase intimacy, respect, and affection, remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy in conflicting situations, heal from mistrust and create a heightened sense of empathy and understanding within the context of the relationship.
HIGHLIGHT 1. No Waitlist
Due to the high demand for therapy services, you might find yourself on an extensive waiting list before you can begin receiving treatment. This can be frustrating, particularly when you’re seeking immediate help to address relationship issues.
HIGHLIGHT 2. No Scheduling
Traditional couples therapy may have limited availability in terms of scheduling options, with sessions typically taking place during standard business hours. This can pose a challenge if you and your partner have busy work schedules or other commitments.
HIGHLIGHT 3. Self Paced
This digital tool will scientifically assess your relationship, determine your areas of opportunity, and provide you with a step-by-step plan proven to help you solve problems and enrich your connection. You will be able to work on your issues at your pace, on your time, and from the comfort of your home.
BOOK This Program HERE and text 813-240-3237 to get immediate assistance:
This clinical tool consists of 337 questions about friendship, intimacy, how well you know your partner, how you manage emotions and conflict, how you share your values and goals, and what gives meaning to your lives. There are additional questions about parenting, housework, finances, trust, and individual areas of concern. The questionnaire is completely confidential, fully HIPAA compliant, and your therapist will be the only person to see your responses.
The Enhanced Gottman Relationship Checkup is a breakthrough in couple’s therapy as it allows for a confidential, efficient way for your clinician to complete the evaluation process. By using this new technology, your assessment can be done at any time and in the setting of your choice! Upon completion, it automatically provides valuable clinical information by pinpointing specific strengths and challenges in your relationship, while also suggesting actionable, research-based recommendations for therapy.
You can feel confident in your results. Drs. John and Julie Gottman created this research-based assessment in collaboration with The Gottman Institute to help couples build a personalized treatment plan with their therapist. Dr. John Gottman is a clinical psychologist who has completed more than 40 years of research on couple relationships, and is recognized as one of the top 10 most influential therapists of the last quarter century. Dr. Julie Gottman is a highly respected clinical psychologist who is sought internationally by the media and clinical organizations as an expert advisor on relationships. Together, they have dedicated their lives to helping couples, and The Enhanced Gottman Relationship Checkup is the result of this life work.
Frequently Asked Questions for Couples
What is The Gottman Relationship Checkup?
The Gottman Relationship Checkup is an online assessment tool created by Drs. John and Julie Gottman in collaboration with The Gottman Institute in Seattle, Washington. The assessment is composed of 480 questions in 5 categories: Friendship and Intimacy, The Safety Scales, The Conflict Scales, The Shared Meaning System, and Individual Areas of Concern. Question topics include friendship, intimacy, conflict, finances, children, trust, commitment, drug and alcohol screenings, and individual issues that can put a relationship at risk.
Where do the questions on the assessment come from? How do we know that answering these questions can actually help our relationship?
Dr. John Gottman is a clinical psychologist who has completed more than 40 years of research on relationships and couples. Dr. Julie Gottman is a clinical psychologist who has extensive experience in private practice and teaching settings. Together, they created this research-based assessment for couples as a method for learning the strengths and challenges of a relationship and subsequently determining a treatment plan.
How long does it take to complete the assessment?
The actual time it takes to complete each questionnaire varies based on individual responses, the complexity of relationship dynamics, and the choice to use optional comment areas to provide additional information about the relationship. However, on average, you can expect it will take between one and two hours to complete the assessment.
If I don’t want to take the test all at once, can I stop taking it and resume later?
Yes! The pace and timing for completing the assessment is entirely up to you. You can answer the questionnaires all in one sitting or work on them over time. If you choose to take a break, simply log out of your profile. When you return, the system will remember where you left off and will resume at that point.
Can my partner and I see one another’s answers while I am taking the test?
No. Before you start the assessment, you will each create a separate online profile with a unique login and password. Neither of you can access the other’s information at any time, and we encourage you not to share your login information with your partner in order to preserve the integrity and effectiveness of the questionnaire.
While taking the assessment, do I have to answer all the questions or can I skip the ones I don’t want to answer?
For therapy to be successful, it is important that your clinician understands all of the issues occurring in the relationship. With this in mind, it is not possible to skip questions or to shorten the assessment. However, many questions have optional comment areas intended for clarification or for further explanation of your responses. These can be used as a way to explain your thoughts about specific questions - positive or negative - and to add any important details you would like your clinician to have about a particular question, topic, or concern.
Will I get a copy of my results?
The scores and analysis are for your clinician’s use and will not be given to you because the results are interpreted in the context of all the other information obtained about you during the assessment process. This includes joint and individual interviews and your clinician’s observations. The results of the questionnaires do not stand alone. A second reason is that each of you will set up a private login account so you can feel free to answer the questions openly and honestly without concern about what your partner may think about your answers. Your clinician will discuss the results of the entire assessment with you and suggest a treatment plan for improving and strengthening your relationship.
However, you will get a detailed Couples Report with ways to make positive changes!
How do I access The Gottman Relationship Checkup?
A clinician must invite you.