Reunification Plan & Basic Protocol
Reunification therapy started when the collaboration between Elizabeth Mahaney and our wrap around approach at South Tampa Therapy and our team’s strengths merged…
For many divorced families, a parent may become estranged from their child. When this essential parental relationship is disrupted, our unique reunification program offers solutions. The family is often referred through their legal counsel to this specialized program. This systemic, relationship based, family systems, and solution focused reunification approach has the primary goal of re-establishing appropriate, healthy child-parent relationships.
In circumstances where the parent-child relationship remains intact, but the high conflict between the parents is negatively impacting the children, therapeutic intervention is needed.
Both of the above scenarios and treatment plans are based on the best interests of the children involved and are designed to assist with complex family issues. Containment and direction is provided for these high conflict divorce situations based on the needs of the child.
There are a variety of reasons a child-parent relationship may have become disrupted. There may have been long absences due to geographic distances between the child and parent, as well as more complex issues such as parental alienation, substance abuse, mental illness, mental health issues, violence, abuse or incarcerations. A coordinated approach is essential among the therapeutic team if parental alienation issues have been identified, and the involvement of the entire family system is the most effective treatment path.
Elizabeth Mahaney has many years of combined experience assisting families in repairing parent-child relationships within the context of high conflict divorces. When a child is resistant to maintaining a relationship with one parent, this is a signal of much deeper family issues. Our first step is to differentiate between realistic estrangement and parental alienation, and then adapt a specific treatment plan to focus on the needs in that particular situation.
There is no one size fits all treatment plan – each family will need an individualized treatment plan that is focused on the specific issues that have been impacting the parent-child relationships. Elizabeth and the therapeutic team will work with each family member towards a goal of re-establishing a more appropriate child-parent dynamic, as well as protecting the children from parental conflict.
Fee $250 per hour
Elizabeth Mahaney facilitates Phases 1 - 2 (Intake/ Case Conceptualization), while her colleague may facilitate phases 3 & 4
Risk and safety of the process
Nonresidential parent’s willingness to follow directions, accept responsibility and be patient
Residential parent’s level of cooperation
Willingness to support the process
The child’s emotional reaction to reunification (e.g. anxiety, anger, disinterest)
Identification of what the challenges and strengths will be for parents and children
Typical Parental Reunification Therapy Session Protocol
Intake session(s) with the parent seeking reunification – 1-4 hours
Intake session(s) with the custodial parent – 1-4 hours
Intake sessions (1 hour) with the child/ren in preparation for the joint reunification sessions: 2-4 sessions
Individual and whole family interventions to treat the contributions to the parent-child problems
Reunification sessions with parent and child (1 hour) – 4-8 sessions or more
At least one (1) session is conducted in the home of the parent seeking reunification
What is involved in Reunification and Family Therapy?
Conducting child meetings until the child is comfortable with meeting the parent in a therapeutic setting.
Conduct a series of sessions between the nonresidential parent and the child with focus on the separation/absence and developing communication between them.
Work toward visits outside the office (with or without the therapist) based on level of risk and the child’s comfort.
Move toward possible overnight visits without supervision.
Establish a normal, on-going parent-time schedule.
Seek ongoing proactive co-parenting, family, and individual counseling with a therapist.
Looking forward to helping out!
Text: 813-240-3237