Flooding, Emotional Regulation Elizabeth Mahaney Flooding, Emotional Regulation Elizabeth Mahaney

Self-Soothing and Emotion Regulation Worksheet

This is a Self-Soothing and Emotion Regulation Worksheet to help you practice soothing your central nervous system.

This is a Self-Soothing and Emotion Regulation Worksheet to help you practice soothing your central nervous system.

Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

1. Grounding Techniques to Reduce Dissociation

Purpose: To help you reconnect with the present moment and reduce feelings of dissociation.

Instructions: When you start to feel disconnected or spaced out, try the following grounding exercises.

A. Sensory Awareness

  • 5 Things You Can See:

  • 4 Things You Can Touch:

  • 3 Things You Can Hear:

  • 2 Things You Can Smell:

  • 1 Thing You Can Taste:

2. Breathing Exercises to Regulate Emotions

Purpose: To help you manage intense emotions and bring a sense of calm.

Instructions: Practice the following breathing techniques when you feel overwhelmed.

A. Deep Breathing

  1. Find a comfortable position.

  2. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 4.

  3. Hold your breath for a count of 4.

  4. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6.

  5. Repeat 5-10 times or until you feel calmer.

B. Box Breathing

  1. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4.

  2. Hold your breath for a count of 4.

  3. Exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.

  4. Hold your breath for a count of 4.

  5. Repeat 4-6 times or until you feel more regulated.

3. Self-Soothing Techniques to Feel Safe

Purpose: To help you create a sense of safety and comfort.

Instructions: Choose any of the following activities to practice when you need to self-soothe.

A. Physical Comfort

  • Wrap yourself in a cozy blanket.

  • Hold a soft stuffed animal or pillow.

  • Take a warm bath or shower.

B. Soothing Sounds

  • Listen to calming music or nature sounds.

  • Hum or sing a favorite song softly.

C. Gentle Movement

  • Practice gentle stretching or yoga.

  • Go for a slow, mindful walk.

D. Comforting Smells

  • Light a scented candle or use essential oils (lavender, chamomile).

  • Smell a favorite lotion or perfume.

4. Positive Affirmations

Purpose: To help you counter negative thoughts and foster a sense of self-worth.

Instructions: Repeat these affirmations to yourself daily, or whenever you need reassurance.

  1. I am safe and in control.

  2. I am deserving of love and respect.

  3. I am strong and capable.

  4. My feelings are valid.

  5. I am worthy of self-care and kindness.

5. Emergency Contact List

Purpose: To ensure you have support when you need it.

Instructions: Fill in the contact information for people and resources you can reach out to in times of need.

  • Therapist: ___________________________________ Phone: ______________________

  • Trusted Friend/Family Member: ___________________________ Phone: ______________

  • Crisis Hotline: _________________________________ Phone: ______________________

  • Emergency Services: ____________________________ Phone: ______________________

6. Reflection and Journaling

Purpose: To help you process your emotions and experiences.

Instructions: Use the space below to write about your thoughts, feelings, and any experiences you want to reflect on.

Daily Check-In

Purpose: To monitor your emotional state and practice self-care.

Instructions: Complete this check-in each day.

Date: ___________________________

How do I feel today?

  • Emotion(s): ________________________

  • Intensity (1-10): _____________________

What self-soothing technique will I use today?

What positive affirmation will I focus on today?


You are taking important steps towards healing and self-care. Be gentle with yourself and use these techniques as tools to support your journey. Reach out for help whenever you need it.

Therapist Contact Information:
Name: _________________________
Phone: _________________________
Email: _________________________


By Elizabeth Mahaney, LMHC, MFT, NCC, DCC, Ph.D


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Call or Text (813)240-3237

Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Marriage & Family Therapist

❤️ Marriage & Family Therapist 💍 Gottman Relationship Counselor 🧠 Licensed Mental Health Counselor 🏫 Harvard Trained ❤️‍🩹 Emotion Focused Therapist 👂🏽 Non-Violent Communication Facilitator 🌎 National Certified Counselor👩🏼‍⚕️ Private Practitioner 📈 Entrepreneur, Author & Mentor 🎓Qualified Supervisor for State Licensure ⚖️ FL Supreme Court Family Law Mediator 🥅 Solution Focused ✌🏻Conflict Resolver 🥰 Self Compassion & Self Care Advocate 🧘🏼‍♀️ Mindfulness Meditating Yogi 🤔 Daily Intentions & Reflections 👩‍❤️‍👨 Attachment Theorist 🗣 Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner ✏️ Agile Learning Center Founder 📚 Self Directed Education Alliance 🧑‍🌾 Grower: Fruit Trees & Herbs 🍽 Psychology of Eating & Nutrition 👩‍🏫 Life Long Learner... 📍 Tampa, FL & Jurisdiction to practice in FL, CT, NC, SC, MD, VA

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Staying Grounded: Tips from South Tampa Therapy on Clearing Your Mind

These strategies are not just tips but essential tools for anyone looking to lead a more balanced and grounded life. At South Tampa Therapy, we are committed to providing resources that help our community manage stress, understand themselves better, and enhance their quality of life. Taking small steps can lead to significant changes. Start incorporating these practices into your daily routine and observe the positive shifts in your mental state.

In a recent appearance on the nationally syndicated health and wellness show Bloom, Ari Leal, a dedicated therapist from South Tampa Therapy, shared invaluable insights with host Gayle Guyardo on simple yet effective ways to maintain mental clarity and stay grounded.

Embrace Physical Movement Ari emphasizes the significant impact of physical activity on mental health. It's not just about staying fit; even minimal daily exercise can dramatically reduce stress levels and boost your mood. Releasing endorphins through as little as five minutes of exercise a day can enhance your mental clarity and overall well-being. Whether it's a short walk, a yoga session, or a quick workout, getting your body moving is a cornerstone of a healthy mental routine.

Cultivate Creativity Engaging in creative activities serves as a powerful tool to keep your mind focused and present. Ari suggests incorporating practices like drawing, journaling, or playing a musical instrument into your daily routine. These activities help anchor you in the moment, diverting your thoughts from everyday stresses and channeling your energy into productive and fulfilling endeavors.

Connect with Nature Another key piece of advice from Ari involves the healing powers of nature. Stepping outside and immersing yourself in a natural setting can be incredibly soothing for the mind and body. The simple act of reconnecting with the environment helps regulate your nervous system, allowing you to clear your mind and focus on the sensory experiences around you—what you can see, hear, and feel.

Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is more than a practice; it's a lifestyle change that involves being fully present and engaged with the here and now. According to Ari, mindfulness means concentrating on what you're doing at the moment, avoiding spirals of worry about things beyond your control. This practice can transform how you interact with the world, helping you appreciate every moment and reduce anxiety about the future.

These strategies from Ari Leal are not just tips but essential tools for anyone looking to lead a more balanced and grounded life. At South Tampa Therapy, we are committed to providing resources that help our community manage stress, understand themselves better, and enhance their quality of life. For more tips on mental wellness or to learn about our therapy services, visit our WHO WE ARE page or WHAT WE DO page to learn more!

Remember, taking small steps can lead to significant changes. Start incorporating these practices into your daily routine and observe the positive shifts in your mental state.

Book with Ari Leal, MA, CMHCI:

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"These are the main issues I can help you with, this is what a typical treatment plan may involve, and the benefits you can expect..."

At South Tampa Therapy, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way on your journey towards healing, growth, and transformation. Together, we can create positive change that enriches your relationships and empowers you to live your best life.

At South Tampa Therapy, we specialize in helping individuals and couples connect and strengthen their relationships while creating positive change in their lives. Our approach focuses on three key steps to guide you towards lasting transformation.

Step 1: Attune to Awarenesses

In the first phase of our treatment plan, we will work together to attune to awarenesses of areas in your life and relationships that could be improved. We believe that awareness is the first step towards change, and by identifying areas for growth, you gain the power of choice. Through open and honest exploration, we will uncover underlying patterns, behaviors, and beliefs that may be impacting your relationships and overall well-being.

Step 2: Attach to Agreements

Once we have identified areas for improvement, we will collaborate to create intentional steps and agreements to make positive changes and meet your goals. These agreements serve as a roadmap for your journey towards growth and transformation. By committing to specific actions and behaviors, you will begin to cultivate healthier communication patterns, deepen emotional connection, and foster greater intimacy in your relationships.

Step 3: Accountability for Lasting Change

In the final phase of our treatment plan, we will focus on accountability for lasting change. Together, we will create a maintenance plan to ensure that the progress you've made continues long after our sessions have ended. This may involve regular check-ins, ongoing support, and strategies to navigate challenges as they arise. By taking ownership of your growth and committing to ongoing self-care practices, you will experience sustained positive change in your relationships and personal life.

By following this structured approach, you can expect to experience a range of benefits, including:

  1. Improved Communication: Develop effective communication skills to express your needs, listen actively, and resolve conflicts constructively.

  2. Deepened Emotional Connection: Cultivate greater emotional intimacy and connection with your partner, leading to enhanced trust, understanding, and closeness.

  3. Enhanced Relationship Satisfaction: Experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your relationships as you work towards mutual goals and shared values.

  4. Personal Growth and Empowerment: Gain insight into yourself and your relationship dynamics, empowering you to make positive changes and live a more fulfilling life.

  5. Lasting Change: Create lasting change that extends beyond the therapy room, allowing you to maintain healthier relationships and navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

At South Tampa Therapy, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way on your journey towards healing, growth, and transformation. Together, we can create positive change that enriches your relationships and empowers you to live your best life.

By Elizabeth Mahaney, LMHC, MFT, NCC, DCC, Ph.D


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Call or Text (813)240-3237

Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Marriage & Family Therapist

❤️ Marriage & Family Therapist 💍 Gottman Relationship Counselor 🧠 Licensed Mental Health Counselor 🏫 Harvard Trained ❤️‍🩹 Emotion Focused Therapist 👂🏽 Non-Violent Communication Facilitator 🌎 National Certified Counselor👩🏼‍⚕️ Private Practitioner 📈 Entrepreneur, Author & Mentor 🎓Qualified Supervisor for State Licensure ⚖️ FL Supreme Court Family Law Mediator 🥅 Solution Focused ✌🏻Conflict Resolver 🥰 Self Compassion & Self Care Advocate 🧘🏼‍♀️ Mindfulness Meditating Yogi 🤔 Daily Intentions & Reflections 👩‍❤️‍👨 Attachment Theorist 🗣 Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner ✏️ Agile Learning Center Founder 📚 Self Directed Education Alliance 🧑‍🌾 Grower: Fruit Trees & Herbs 🍽 Psychology of Eating & Nutrition 👩‍🏫 Life Long Learner... 📍 Tampa, FL & Jurisdiction to practice in FL, CT, NC, SC, MD, VA

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