Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney ~ South Tampa Therapy: Revolutionizing Relationships Through Expertise and Compassion

Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney's prowess as a marriage therapist in Tampa is not merely about the titles she holds or the methodologies she employs. It's about the lives she has transformed, the relationships she has mended, and the hope she has instilled in countless couples. Her comprehensive approach, coupled with unwavering compassion, continues to make a profound impact on the fabric of relationships in Tampa and beyond.

When it comes to the delicate art of marriage therapy, finding the right professional can make a world of difference. In the heart of Tampa, couples have found solace and transformation in the capable hands of Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney, an exceptional therapist renowned for her unparalleled expertise and empathetic approach. 

As the owner of South Tampa Therapy- A Boutique Private Practice and Team of Specialized Counselors, Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney trains and supervises each and every therapist on her team to provide and uphold the utmost care for all clients, couples, and families. 

A Multifaceted Approach

Dr. Mahaney stands out due to her holistic and adaptive methodologies, which encompass a spectrum of evidence-based therapeutic modalities. Her toolkit includes the highly respected Gottman Approach, a method known for its insights into relationship dynamics and conflict resolution. With Emotion Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), she delves into the emotional core, fostering deeper connections and understanding between partners.

Moreover, her adept use of Internal Family Systems (IFS) allows for a nuanced exploration of individual complexities within the context of relationships. Structural Family Therapy serves as another pillar, addressing family dynamics to untangle complex relational webs. Adding to this arsenal is Non-Violent Communication (NVC), a pivotal tool for facilitating healthy communication patterns in couples.

Tailored Solutions for Unique Needs

What truly sets Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney apart is her ability to tailor these methodologies based on the specific needs of each couple. She understands that no two relationships are alike, and as such, employs a bespoke approach, curating sessions that resonate with the intricacies of each partnership.

Testimonials Speak Volumes

The impact of Dr. Mahaney's work reverberates through the testimonials of countless satisfied clients. One couple praised her ability to guide them through tumultuous times, fostering a safe space where they felt heard and understood. Another lauded her expertise in utilizing multiple therapeutic approaches, resulting in breakthroughs that transformed their relationship.

The Significance of Seeking Help

In a society where seeking help is sometimes stigmatized, Dr. Mahaney advocates for the importance of seeking therapy. She emphasizes that investing in one's relationship through therapy is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step towards growth and long-term happiness.


Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney's prowess as a marriage therapist in Tampa is not merely about the titles she holds or the methodologies she employs. It's about the lives she has transformed, the relationships she has mended, and the hope she has instilled in countless couples. Her comprehensive approach, coupled with unwavering compassion, continues to make a profound impact on the fabric of relationships in Tampa and beyond.

For those seeking to navigate the complexities of their relationships and embark on a journey towards understanding and harmony, Dr. Mahaney stands as a beacon of hope—a guiding light illuminating the path to healthier, more fulfilling connections.


Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney's multifaceted expertise and her dedication to tailoring therapy for each couple and individual truly makes her an invaluable asset in the realm of counseling and marriage therapy in Tampa, Florida. She is also licensed in several states including Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Connecticut. 

Book an initial Intake to start making positive changes!

Text Dr. Liz on her cell phone 813-240-3237

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Navigating the Holidays: A Guide to Managing Family Dynamics

TAMPA (BLOOM) – Mental Health professional Kaitlin Lowey joins Gayle Guyardo the host of the nationally syndicated health and wellness show Bloom to talk about strategies for navigating around family drama during the holidays. Kaitlin offers tips for competing family events, navigating uncomfortable topics and arming yourself with good coping mechanism skills – building your own “holiday mental health toolkit”.

The holiday season is a time of joy, but for many, it can also be filled with challenges, from juggling competing family events to navigating tricky dinner table conversations. Kaitlin Lowey, Supervised Therapist at South Tampa Therapy, recently appeared on BLOOM to discuss strategies to help you gracefully handle tough decisions, diffuse uncomfortable inquiries, and build a holiday support toolkit to navigate the season with compassion and resilience.

TAMPA (BLOOM) – Mental Health professional Kaitlin Lowey joins Gayle Guyardo the host of the nationally syndicated health and wellness show Bloom to talk about strategies for navigating around family drama during the holidays. Kaitlin offers tips for competing family events, navigating uncomfortable topics and arming yourself with good coping mechanism skills – building your own “holiday mental health toolkit”.

Balancing Competing Family Events:

The holiday season often brings a flood of invitations, and sometimes, tough decisions must be made. It's essential to find a balance between compassion and setting boundaries. If you can't attend an event, communicate openly with family members, expressing your disappointment and assuring them of your love. Consider alternative ways to show you care, such as sending a thoughtful gift or a recorded video message.

However, declining an invitation may not always be received well, and it's crucial to address any hurt feelings with empathy. Engage in a conversation, acknowledging the emotions involved and expressing your love for the family member. If the conversation becomes especially challenging and combative, it's acceptable to gracefully end it, emphasizing the need for a healthier discussion in the future. Remember, it's impossible to meet everyone's expectations, and you are not responsible for managing others' emotions. Firmly, yet politely, set boundaries if a conversation becomes overly guilt-tripping or berating.

Deactivating Uncomfortable Conversations:

Navigating personal inquiries and avoiding political clashes at the holiday dinner table requires finesse. When faced with uncomfortable questions, employ humor, change the subject, or kindly request a shift in conversation. By addressing the discomfort directly but respectfully, you can redirect the dialogue to more pleasant topics.

In a politically charged climate, choose your battles wisely. Thanksgiving dinner may not be the ideal setting for heated debates. If a hot-button topic arises, acknowledge the other person's passion and gracefully steer the conversation elsewhere. If the issue persists, express your desire for a peaceful gathering and propose revisiting the topic at a more appropriate time. If it’s not possible to shift the conversation, you can simply gracefully exit the conversation.

Building Your Holiday Support Toolkit:

Creating a toolkit for navigating the holiday season can provide valuable coping mechanisms. Here are a few ideas:

  • Identify a trusted person to lean on, whether it's a cousin or a spouse, as your go-to support. Having someone to vent to or seek solace from can make a significant difference.

  • Plan in advance for triggering topics, deciding on responses that maintain harmony, such as using humor, redirecting the conversation, or finding an exit from the interaction. 

  • Develop personal mantras to reinforce your self-worth and resilience during challenging moments. Whether it's reminding yourself that you’re exactly where you need to be on your life journey or acknowledging that you are not responsible for managing others’ disappointment regarding your choices, mantras can be powerful assets. 

  • Finally, if all else fails, allow yourself a moment of respite. Sneak away to the bathroom for a few minutes to collect your thoughts, take deep breaths, or engage in a quick meditation. Prioritizing your mental well-being ensures a more enjoyable holiday experience.

The holiday season is a time for joy, connection, and celebration. By employing these strategies, you can navigate the challenges with grace, fostering positive relationships and creating lasting memories. Remember, your well-being is paramount, and with a thoughtful approach, you can make the most of the holidays while maintaining your peace of mind.

By: Kaitlin Lowey

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Transform Your Relationship: Evidence-Based Couples Therapy in South Tampa

In the heart of South Tampa, evidence-based couples therapy is available to guide you towards a more harmonious partnership. By honing your communication skills and mastering conflict resolution, you can transform your relationship into one that thrives. Don't wait to take this important step towards a brighter future together. Reach out to a qualified couples therapist in South Tampa today and rediscover the love and connection you deserve.


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, even the strongest relationships can face challenges. If you're seeking to enhance your connection, improve communication, and resolve conflicts, evidence-based couples therapy might be the beacon of hope you're looking for. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of evidence-based couples therapy, with a focus on communication and conflict resolution, right here in South Tampa.

Understanding Evidence-Based Couples Therapy

Evidence-based couples therapy is a scientifically validated approach that draws on proven techniques to help couples navigate the complexities of their relationship. It's not about guesswork; it's about using strategies that have been rigorously tested and shown to be effective.

Specializing in Communication

1. Active Listening: Effective communication begins with truly hearing and understanding your partner. Through evidence-based techniques, couples learn the art of active listening, ensuring both voices are heard.

2. Expressing Needs Clearly: Often, miscommunication arises from unclear expressions of needs. In therapy, couples learn to articulate their desires in a way that is constructive and comprehensible to their partner.

3. Non-Verbal Cues: Much of our communication happens without words. Evidence-based therapy helps couples become attuned to non-verbal cues, fostering a deeper level of understanding.

Conflict Resolution: A Vital Component

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship. What matters most is how it's handled. Evidence-based couples therapy equips partners with essential conflict resolution skills:

1. Identifying Core Issues: Often, surface-level conflicts mask deeper, underlying issues. Therapy helps unearth these core concerns, allowing for more effective resolution.

2. Constructive Communication during Conflict: Instead of resorting to harmful patterns, couples learn how to communicate constructively even in the midst of disagreement.

3. Finding Common Ground: Evidence-based techniques guide couples towards finding solutions that are acceptable to both parties, strengthening the relationship in the process.

Couples Therapy in South Tampa: Your Path to Transformation

For couples seeking evidence-based therapy specializing in communication and conflict resolution, South Tampa is home to a wealth of experienced and dedicated professionals. With their expertise, you can embark on a journey towards a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.


In the heart of South Tampa, evidence-based couples therapy is available to guide you towards a more harmonious partnership. By honing your communication skills and mastering conflict resolution, you can transform your relationship into one that thrives. Don't wait to take this important step towards a brighter future together. Reach out to a qualified couples therapist in South Tampa today and rediscover the love and connection you deserve.

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Nurturing Love: How Couples Counseling with the Gottman Approach and Emotion-Focused Therapy Can Transform Relationships

Couples counseling with the integration of the Gottman Approach and Emotion-Focused Therapy is a powerful journey towards healing and growth. It offers couples the tools to communicate more effectively, understand each other on a deeper level, and ultimately, build a stronger and more resilient partnership. Through this transformative process, couples can nurture their love and create a foundation for a more fulfilling future together.


Love is a beautiful journey, but it's not always smooth sailing. Every couple faces challenges and moments of discord. However, seeking help through couples counseling can be the beacon of hope that leads to a stronger, more fulfilling partnership. In this blog post, we'll explore how the integration of the Gottman Approach and Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) can be transformative in nurturing love and healing relationships.

Understanding the Gottman Approach

1. Building Strong Foundations: The Gottman Approach emphasizes the importance of creating strong foundations in a relationship. This includes open communication, trust, and a deep understanding of each other's needs and desires.

2. The Art of Effective Communication: Through the Gottman Method, couples learn how to communicate effectively, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their concerns are addressed. This involves active listening, empathy, and expressing oneself in a constructive manner.

3. Navigating Conflict: Conflict is a natural part of any relationship. The Gottman Approach equips couples with tools to navigate disagreements in a healthy and productive way. By identifying harmful communication patterns and learning to replace them with positive interactions, couples can break free from negative cycles.

Emotion-Focused Therapy: Healing from the Inside Out

1. Exploring Emotions: Emotion-Focused Therapy delves deep into the emotional landscape of a relationship. It helps couples identify and express their feelings in a safe and supportive environment.

2. Strengthening Emotional Bonds: By understanding and validating each other's emotions, couples can create a stronger emotional bond. This enables them to support and uplift each other, even in times of difficulty.

3. Healing Past Wounds: EFT provides a platform for couples to address past hurts and wounds. Through guided conversations, couples can work towards forgiveness, letting go of resentment, and finding closure.

The Power of Integration

When the Gottman Approach and Emotion-Focused Therapy come together, their synergy is extraordinary.

1. A Holistic Approach: The Gottman Approach focuses on practical, evidence-backed strategies, while EFT addresses the emotional core of a relationship. Together, they provide a comprehensive toolkit for couples to navigate challenges.

2. Strengthening Communication and Emotional Connection: Through this integrated approach, couples not only learn how to communicate effectively but also deepen their emotional connection. This leads to a more profound understanding of each other's needs and a greater sense of intimacy.

3. Long-Lasting Transformation: The integration of these approaches isn't just about temporary fixes. It's about creating lasting, positive change that enriches the fabric of the relationship.


Couples counseling with the integration of the Gottman Approach and Emotion-Focused Therapy is a powerful journey towards healing and growth. It offers couples the tools to communicate more effectively, understand each other on a deeper level, and ultimately, build a stronger and more resilient partnership. Through this transformative process, couples can nurture their love and create a foundation for a more fulfilling future together.

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Communication, Parenting Elizabeth Mahaney Communication, Parenting Elizabeth Mahaney

Navigating Complex Emotions About Parenthood: A Mental Health Perspective

Pregnancy is a time of profound change and transformation, and it's natural to experience a range of emotions, including complex and difficult ones. Navigating these feelings with self-compassion, seeking support, and communicating openly with your partner can help you find emotional balance and prepare for the joys and challenges of parenthood.

Pregnancy is a life-altering journey filled with a myriad of emotions. While it's often portrayed as a time of unbridled joy and excitement, it's essential to recognize that it can also bring about complex and difficult feelings. As a mental health professional, I understand the unique challenges faced by those who are pregnant and experiencing conflicting emotions about parenthood. In this blog post, I aim to provide guidance on navigating these intricate feelings and finding a path to emotional well-being during this transformative phase of life.

  1. Normalize Your Feelings

First and foremost, it's crucial to understand that complex and mixed emotions about parenthood are entirely normal. The societal pressure to be overwhelmingly ecstatic about pregnancy can sometimes overshadow the reality that it's okay to have reservations, doubts, or moments of fear. Acknowledge and accept your feelings without judgment. They are a part of your unique journey.

  1. Seek Support

One of the most effective ways to navigate complex emotions during pregnancy is to seek support from a mental health professional. Therapy can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore your feelings, fears, and concerns. A therapist can help you develop coping strategies, manage anxiety, and work through any unresolved issues that might be contributing to your emotional challenges.

  1. Communicate with Your Partner

Open and honest communication with your partner is essential during this time. Share your feelings and concerns with your significant other, and encourage them to do the same. Parenthood is a shared journey, and addressing your emotions together can strengthen your bond and help you both feel more prepared for the challenges and joys ahead.

  1. Connect with Other Expectant Parents

Consider joining a support group or seeking out online communities of expectant parents who are experiencing similar emotions. Sharing your thoughts and listening to others' stories can provide validation and a sense of camaraderie. These connections can be invaluable sources of support and reassurance.

  1. Reflect on Your Expectations

Take time to reflect on your expectations about parenthood. Are there specific beliefs or ideals that are contributing to your complex emotions? Examine where these expectations come from and whether they align with your values and the reality of parenthood. Adjusting your expectations can help alleviate some of the pressure you may be feeling.

  1. Educate Yourself

Understanding the realities of parenthood can help demystify some of your concerns. Read books, articles, and reputable sources about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Seek out information that provides a balanced view of the joys and challenges that come with raising a child. Knowledge can be empowering and help you feel more prepared.

  1. Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind and compassionate toward yourself during this emotional journey. Self-criticism and guilt can exacerbate negative feelings. Remind yourself that it's okay to have doubts and concerns; these feelings don't diminish your capacity to be a loving and capable parent. Treat yourself with the same gentleness and understanding that you would offer to a close friend.

  1. Explore Your Emotions

Use journaling or creative expression as a means to explore your emotions more deeply. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can provide clarity and insight. Additionally, engaging in creative activities such as art, music, or dance can help you express and process your emotions in a non-verbal way.

  1. Plan for Self-Care

Amid the excitement and preparations for the baby's arrival, don't forget to prioritize self-care. Carve out time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's a warm bath, a leisurely walk, or simply resting, self-care is crucial for maintaining emotional balance.

  1. Embrace Flexibility

Remember that parenthood is a dynamic and ever-evolving journey. It's okay for your feelings to change over time. Allow yourself the space to adapt and grow as you transition into parenthood. Flexibility and an open mind can help you navigate the complexities of this new chapter.

Pregnancy is a time of profound change and transformation, and it's natural to experience a range of emotions, including complex and difficult ones. Navigating these feelings with self-compassion, seeking support, and communicating openly with your partner can help you find emotional balance and prepare for the joys and challenges of parenthood. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all experience, and it's okay to embrace your unique journey, complexities and all. You have the strength and resilience to navigate this transformative phase and emerge as the loving and capable parent you aspire to be.

By Kaitlin Lowey: Book with her here:

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How to Divorce and Still Remain Friends

Divorce is a challenging life transition, but it doesn't have to be synonymous with animosity and bitterness. By prioritizing open communication, the well-being of children, and making a concerted effort to separate emotions from finances, couples can navigate divorce while maintaining a sense of friendship. Setting realistic expectations and being patient are key to fostering a positive post-divorce relationship. Remember that while the dynamics may change, it is entirely possible to divorce and still remain friends, paving the way for a healthier and happier future for both parties.

Divorce is one of life's most challenging experiences. The emotional, financial, and logistical complexities that arise during this process can strain even the strongest bonds. However, it's not uncommon for couples to aspire to an amicable divorce where they can part ways as friends, rather than adversaries. While it may seem like a lofty goal, it's entirely possible with the right mindset, communication, and approach. Let’s explore how to divorce and still remain friends, fostering a positive post-divorce relationship.

1.  Open and Honest Communication

The foundation of any amicable divorce is open and honest communication. Both parties must be willing to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without judgment or hostility. It's essential to establish a safe space where you can each share your needs and expectations openly.

Active Listening:  Practice active listening by giving your partner your full attention when they speak. Try to understand their perspective, even if you don't agree with it. Empathetic listening can go a long way in resolving conflicts.

Seek Mediation or Counseling:  Consider engaging a mediator or therapist to facilitate communication and negotiation. These professionals can help both parties express their feelings, manage emotions, and work towards mutually agreeable solutions.

2.  Prioritize the Well-being of Children

If you have children together, their well-being should be top priority. A peaceful divorce can minimize the negative impact on children. Maintain a united front when it comes to parenting decisions and avoid putting children in the middle of your conflicts.

Co-Parenting Agreement:  Consider creating a detailed co-parenting agreement that outlines responsibilities, schedules, and decision-making processes. Having a clear plan can reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.

Respect Each Other's Role:  Acknowledge each other's role as parents and support one another in maintaining a strong and loving relationship with the children. Encourage them to have a healthy relationship with both parents.

3.  Separate Emotions from Finances

Money is often a significant source of conflict during divorce proceedings. To maintain a friendship post-divorce, it's essential to separate emotions from financial decisions.

Full Financial Disclosure:  Be transparent about your financial situation. The best way to instill trust in this process is to share all relevant financial information to ensure fair and equitable asset division.

Collaborative Financial Planning:  Consider working together, or with a financial advisor, to create a financial plan that benefits both parties. This can help avoid contentious disputes over assets and alimony.

4. Set Realistic Expectations

Maintaining a friendship after divorce doesn't mean that everything will be perfect. There will still be challenges and moments of disagreement. Setting realistic expectations is crucial for a smooth transition.

Understand That Change Is Inevitable:  Accept that your relationship will change post-divorce, but that it can still be meaningful and positive. In fact, some couples find that their post-divorce friendship is stronger than their connection in marriage. 

Be Patient:  Healing takes time, and it's normal to experience a range of emotions. Give yourself and your former spouse the space and time needed to adjust to the new dynamics.

Divorce is a challenging life transition, but it doesn't have to be synonymous with animosity and bitterness. By prioritizing open communication, the well-being of children, and making a concerted effort to separate emotions from finances, couples can navigate divorce while maintaining a sense of friendship. Setting realistic expectations and being patient are key to fostering a positive post-divorce relationship. Remember that while the dynamics may change, it is entirely possible to divorce and still remain friends, paving the way for a healthier and happier future for both parties.

Author: Lana Phillips

Book Appointment:

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Cultivate A Secure Attachment Style... without Being Anxious or Avoidant

individuals with a secure attachment style report higher satisfaction levels in their relationships than people with other attachment styles. Happiness is the primary measure of satisfaction.

People with a secure attachment style are more likely than others to forgive their partner for wrongdoing. Secure people naturally dwell less on the negative and can turn off upsetting emotions without becoming defensively distant.

All relationships are unique - one explanation won't describe them all

Every human being craves a sense of belonging, either toward family, friends, or a spouse. When humans become attached to someone, the influence of one on the other regulates their natural states. It influences each other's psychological and emotional well-being.

Humans need to form close bonds with others in order to feel secure and safe in life.

Relationship problems can be excruciating; they encompass the innermost core of people's lives.

No one has a finite description that fits the bill as each case of relationship issues is unique and personal, coming from an endless number of possible root causes.

You may suffer from constant tension and emotional problems if your partner cannot meet your basic needs, which can have severe consequences on your emotional well-being, self-esteem, and even physical health. That's why it's essential to understand your attachment style and the attachment style of people close to you, especially your spouse. 

Research has shown there are three main attachment styles or manners in which people see, understand, and respond to intimacy in romantic relationships. These findings are parallel to those found in children:

  •   Secure attachment style

  •   Anxious attachment style

  •   Avoidant attachment style

If you are someone with an anxious attachment style, you'll spend a lot of time worrying and thinking about whether your partner loves or cares for you. You will also be bothered about if they're spending enough time with you and what is going on in their mind when they don't call you back within a few minutes of missing your call.

The avoidant attachment style indicates that you value your independence and time alone more than your relationship. A secure attachment style fits between both styles. It is an ideal balance between caring enough and not worrying too much.

People with each of these attachment styles show lots of differences in:

  •   The way they see intimacy and togetherness.

  •   The way they deal with conflict.

  •   Their behavior towards sex.

  •   Their ability and means to communicate their wishes and needs.

  •   Their expectations and desires from their partner and the relationship.

  • In this summary, you will learn more about how you develop attachments to other people and how to enhance your relationships and become closer. After all, isn't that what we all want?

Attachment styles are dictated by your upbringing

Your current attachment style is determined by how you were cared for as a baby. In other words, if your parents were sensitive, available, and responsive, you would have a secure attachment style. If your parents were inconsistent and inappropriately responsive, you would likely develop an anxious attachment style. If they were distant, rigid, uncaring, and unresponsive, you would probably display an avoidant attachment style.

But this doesn't mean you can't change your attachment style over time; you would need to have positive experiences with partners, friends, and family members in order to turn the tide to help rewire your brain into thinking a new way.

The way you were treated as a child affects your life in a huge way. You learn how to love, feel, and react from your parents.

However, total change isn't always necessary.

Sometimes it's better to understand your current style of attachment, work out the negative elements and twist them into something positive, and learn to get the most out of your situation.

Someone with an anxious attachment style can learn to be more at ease when away from their partner. That doesn't mean they're instantly going to be comfortable with it and have no issues from that point onwards. It simply means that they're making baby steps towards changing a harmful habit. Whether a person can ever entirely change their attachment style is very debatable. What you can do is identify your partner's attachment style and be more understanding.

Did you know? The "dependency paradox" states that the closer you are to your partner, the more independent you're able to become on your own.

It means that you know you have someone close to you if you need support or help.

When you understand attachment, you're able to connect more meaningfully with other people.

Understanding your specific attachment profile will help you know yourself more, achieve more goals, and guide you in your relations with others, bringing happiness and fulfillment to your relationships.

When people hear about relationship attachment styles, they usually have no difficulty recognizing their style. Some people declare right away, "I'm anxious," "I'm avoidant," or, "I think I'm secure," while others have a more challenging time figuring it out.

Attachment styles are stable most of the time but still subject to change.

If you find it difficult figuring out your attachment style, the following guide will help:

  •   If you feel quite relaxed around your partner and you're not constantly questioning the connection, you're secure in your union.

  •   Suppose you desire and long for intimacy and closeness, but you have many insecurities, are unsure where the relationship is going, and little things your partner does sets you off and anger you. In this case, you're probably anxious.

  • You're probably avoidant if you feel uncomfortable when things become steamy and intimate, or you value your independence and freedom more than any relationship.

Discovering other people's attachment styles is usually more stringent than identifying your own. You alone know yourself best, but knowing yourself is not just how you behave; it's also what you feel and think when in a relationship. To make this easier, most people give away all the clues about their attachment style by how they live their lives and their actions without even knowing it. The deal is to know what to look for.

Golden Rules for discovering your partner's attachment style:

  •   Find out whether they seek intimacy and closeness.

  •   Discover how preoccupied and involved they are with the relationship and how sensitive they are to rejection.

  •   Don't focus on one "symptom," look for various signs.

  • Assess their reaction to effective communication.

  •   Be alert and look for what they are not saying or doing                                                               

    Things to note before getting serious with a partner

  • When getting involved with someone, carefully tread; the stakes are high, and your happiness depends on it, especially true if you have an anxious attachment style. All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which love attaches us.

  • People with an anxious attachment style are quick to notice changes in others' emotional expressions. They are also sensitive to other people's cues. However, they also jump to conclusions very quickly, and when they do, they tend to misinterpret people's emotional states.

  • Practicing patience is an essential lesson for someone with an anxious attachment style.

  • If you can wait a little longer before reacting and jumping to conclusions, you will be able to understand the world around you and use it to your advantage.

    If you're anxious, you may want to learn a lot about dating someone avoidant because of the following reasons:

  • You want closeness and intimacy, and they want to maintain some distance - emotionally and physically.

  • You are very sensitive to any rejection, and they send mixed signals that you often interpret as rejection.

  • You often find it challenging to read verbal and non-verbal cues during communication and they don't think it's their responsibility to do so. 

  • You need to be reassured, shown love, and feel loved, but they tend to put you down to create distance as a means to deactivate their own attachment system.                                                

  • Effective communication means that you communicate in a way that is inoffensive and does not put your partner on the spot but allows them to be open with you without feeling attacked, criticized, or blamed.

Learn what suppresses your ability to attach to others in a meaningful way

Your attachment style decides what you expect in relationships, how you interpret and see romantic situations, and how you behave with your date or partner.

Avoidant attachment types may try to keep people at a distance, even in a serious relationship.

Here are some popular strategies that suppress one's attachment system:

  •   Acting or thinking, "I'm not ready to commit"

  •   Focusing on minute imperfections in your partner

  •   Flirting with others without caring about your partner's thoughts

  •   Not saying, "I love you," often

  •   Avoiding physical closeness

If you're avoidant, you may unconsciously act out these small, everyday deactivating strategies to ensure that the person you love won't get in the way of your freedom.

Imagine if a parent couldn't read their infant's cues. The parent wouldn't tell whether their baby is hungry or tired, wanting to be held or left alone, wet or sick. How difficult life would be for the baby and the parents. The baby would have to labor hard and cry so much longer to be understood.

An avoidant attachment style can often make you feel like this. You will not be firm at translating the many verbal and nonverbal signals you receive during everyday interactions into a coherent understanding of your lover's mental state, causing a lot of problems in your relationship.

However, the good news is that there are things you can start doing today to stop pushing love away, such as:

  •   Identifying deactivating strategies.

  •   Removing emphasis on self-reliance and focusing on mutual support.

  •   Being with a very secure partner.

  •   Knowing your tendency to misinterpret behaviors.

Avoidants should embrace the idea of finding a partner who is a fit for them to help push down their avoidant behaviors and thoughts so they can focus on the positives.

Cultivate the secure attachment style to enjoy higher levels of satisfaction.

Many experts agree those with avoidant attachment styles tend to be less happy and satisfied in their relationships, because they can never totally connect with their partner. They will always have something on their minds that makes them question whether it's right, safe, and appropriate to be there.

It is believed that each attachment style evolved and improved to increase the survival chances of humans in particular environments.

Studies have demonstrated that individuals with a secure attachment style report higher satisfaction levels in their relationships than people with other attachment styles. Happiness is the primary measure of satisfaction.

People with a secure attachment style are more likely than others to forgive their partner for wrongdoing. Secure people naturally dwell less on the negative and can turn off upsetting emotions without becoming defensively distant.

People with secure attachment styles fare better in relationships and create fantastic effects, raising their insecure partner's relationship satisfaction and functioning to a greater level.

So, if you're with someone secure, they will nurture you into a more confident stance.

Some of the following characteristics influence every aspect of romantic relationships:

  •   Great conflict deflators

  •   Mentally flexible and smart

  •   Effective and great communicators (NVC)

  •   Avoids game playing

  •   Comfortable with closeness and boundaries

  •   Quick to forgive

  •   Practices and views sex and emotional intimacy as one

  •   Treats their partners like royalty, with respect

  •   Secure and confident in their power to improve the relationship

  •   Responsible for their partners' overall wellbeing

There is evidence to show that a secure attachment style doesn't originate from a single source. Many factors, aside from parenting, such as genes and romantic experiences as adults, come together to create a safe attachment pattern.

Making a secure base for your partner entails that you do the following:


Genes sometimes affect the way we act and the decisions we make. However, to become attracted and attached to another, we must use our willpower and focus on learning the nature of attachment to create healthy and strong connections. Connections are essential for a happy life, after all.

Always remember that your attachment needs are legitimate. Do not feel bad for depending on the person you are closest to - it is part of your genetic makeup. A relationship or attachment should make you feel more confident, happier and give you peace of mind. If it doesn't, this is a wake-up call to make things better. Above all, remain true to your authentic self; avoid playing games - it will only distance you from your ultimate goal of finding real joy and happiness, be it with your current partner or someone else.

It's easy to focus on the things you deem to be negative about yourself, but the truth is that nobody is perfect; we all have strengths and weaknesses. Concentrating on your weaknesses too much will not allow your strengths to shine, and as such, you'll beat yourself up for minor mistakes you make. Relationships are about give and take but there also about trust and weaknesses. Concentrating on your weaknesses too much will not allow your strengths to shine, and as such, you'll beat yourself up for minor mistakes you make. Relationships are about give and take, but they're also about trust and forgiveness.

It's time for a bit of soul searching. Do you avoid commitment, or do you run towards it too fast?

How do you interact with your partner? Do you truly listen to them, or do you speak over them all the time? Sometimes we make small mistakes without realizing it, purely because they're part of our genetic makeup. However, that doesn't mean you can't identify them and then work to change their adverse effects.

Try this:

• Practice using NVC Nonviolent Communication (aka Compassionate Communication).

• Learn to listen as much as you speak! Effective communication isn't just about saying words in the right way; it's also about listening to your partner and reading body language to get the whole picture.

• Identify your attachment style. Do you avoid attachment out of fear? Understanding your attachment style will allow you to make progress and overcome any blocks between you and relationship happiness   

• Have trust and patience in your partner.

• Learn about the Gottman Approach.

Sometimes it takes people a little longer to open up, and that's okay! Rushing the situation will only lead to a negative outcome. Take your time!

Book an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney to learn more about your attachment style:

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Transform Anger Into Connection

When anger arises in a relationship, couples often fall into destructive communication patterns, exacerbating the initial pain and creating a cycle of suffering. However, NVC offers a way to break this cycle and foster understanding and connection.

Transforming anger into an opportunity for connection and growth in intimate relationships is possible through the practice of Nonviolent Communication (NVC).

When anger arises in a relationship, couples often fall into destructive communication patterns, exacerbating the initial pain and creating a cycle of suffering. However, NVC offers a way to break this cycle and foster understanding and connection.

Marshall Rosenberg's insight into anger helps shed light on its underlying dynamics. When someone is angry, it indicates a strong need that they urgently want to be met. However, in an attempt to ensure their needs are met, they may employ moralistic rules, which often lead to unpleasant treatment of others. Recognizing these underlying needs and shifting the focus from moralistic rules to unmet needs is crucial for transforming anger into understanding and connection.

To identify the unmet needs behind anger, it is important to look beyond the rules and reactions of the person expressing anger. One approach is to set aside one's own reactions and inquire about the person's upset. Asking questions like, "When I hear that you are upset about this, it tells me there was a way you wanted to be treated that didn't happen. Am I right?" opens up the conversation and invites the person to share their perspective.

Continuing the exploration of unmet needs, asking questions about the ideal way they would have liked to be treated can help uncover their desires and dreams for the relationship. This can include questions such as, "If you could have been treated in a way that was perfect for you, what would that look like? What would have happened?" This process encourages them to think about the positive outcomes they envision and articulate their needs more explicitly.

The answers provided serve as clues to identify their unmet needs. By presenting different possibilities and allowing them to decide what resonates, it becomes easier to narrow down and understand their specific needs. This process is akin to trying on different clothes until the right fit is found. It requires empathy, active listening, and an open mind to accurately grasp the underlying needs being expressed.

By delving deeper into their needs and offering empathy and understanding, the initial anger can be transformed into a sense of relief, relaxation, and genuine connection. This process of uncovering and addressing needs is a form of deep empathy that brings joy and closeness to the relationship.

While learning this approach may take time and practice, it cultivates a sense of eagerness to explore the needs underlying anger and fosters a stronger bond between partners. Through NVC, anger can be seen as an opportunity for growth, understanding, and strengthening the connection in intimate relationships.

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Communication Skills in Intimate Relationships

NVC skills are invaluable for intimate relationships. By cultivating conscious and empathetic communication, couples can prevent misunderstandings, resolve conflicts, and deepen their connections. The practice of NVC not only contributes to a more fulfilling relationship but also enhances personal growth and emotional well-being.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) skills can greatly benefit intimate relationships by promoting understanding, preventing conflicts, and deepening connections.

In intimate relationships, the emotional investment is high, making disconnections and conflicts particularly painful. NVC provides a framework for conscious and empathetic communication, allowing partners to navigate misunderstandings and conflicts with compassion and respect.

Communication is essential in intimate relationships because it is the primary means of connection. Without effective communication, relationships lack intimacy and can become strained. By developing NVC skills, individuals can establish mutual understanding, build trust, and create satisfying ways of relating.

The importance of communication in intimate relationships can be likened to the metaphor of "digging a well before you're thirsty." It emphasizes the need to invest in communication skills before conflicts arise. Rather than waiting until a full-blown conflict occurs, it is beneficial to proactively develop communication skills to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts from escalating. This proactive approach allows couples to conserve mental and emotional energy and avoid unnecessary suffering.

NVC skills not only help resolve conflicts but also contribute to the ongoing deepening of connections. By practicing active listening and understanding each other's feelings, needs, and desires, partners can nurture a sense of intimacy and emotional closeness. This deeper level of communication enhances the overall quality of the relationship.

Common communication problems in relationships, such as listening to respond instead of understand, can be addressed through NVC. By actively listening to understand without immediately offering solutions or judgments, partners can create a safe space for open and vulnerable communication. When individuals feel understood, they are more receptive to hearing the other person's perspective. This empathetic dynamic promotes authentic connection and often leads to the resolution of conflicts.

It is important to note that NVC is not about agreement but understanding.

It allows partners to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs while respecting and acknowledging each other's perspectives. This approach fosters a sense of empathy, which is essential for maintaining healthy and harmonious intimate relationships.

In summary, NVC skills are invaluable for intimate relationships. By cultivating conscious and empathetic communication, couples can prevent misunderstandings, resolve conflicts, and deepen their connections. The practice of NVC not only contributes to a more fulfilling relationship but also enhances personal growth and emotional well-being.

These situations easily lead to misunderstandings which can lead to conflicts.

A true-life example: a woman said to her male partner, “I don’t want to be so wifey.”

What she meant: “I don’t want to be the only one doing the housework.”

What he heard: “I don’t want to be married to you anymore.”

This couple ended up divorcing — true story — and is an example of a small miscommunication that can spiral out of control quickly if we don’t catch it. So slowing down, listening to understand, and asking clarifying questions can save us all a lot of heartbreak! (In the example of the couple above, their large group of friends also went through a form of heartbreak.)

Using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in relationships involves remembering three key elements: Purpose, Intention, and Attention.

The purpose of NVC is to create a high quality of connection that allows individuals to naturally contribute to each other's well-being. It is not about getting others to do what you want or achieving a specific outcome. By focusing on connection first, mutually satisfying solutions can be found.

When entering a conversation or interaction, check your intention. Is it to be right or to connect? Willingness to let go of being right and preferred outcomes can pave the way for genuine connection and collaborative problem-solving.

Using NVC in relationships requires skillful deployment of attention. Instead of focusing on who's right or wrong, direct your attention to feelings and needs. Recognize the humanity in yourself and your partner, allowing for deeper understanding and mutual fulfillment.

Improving communication in a relationship through NVC involves becoming aware of and transforming old, unconscious patterns that hinder the desired quality of connection. While it may take time and effort, as you practice NVC, it becomes more natural and efficient.

Remember that NVC encourages connection before finding solutions.

Taking the time to understand each other's observations, feelings, needs, and requests is crucial for arriving at strategies that meet the needs of both partners. By using purpose, intention, and attention, NVC can lead to deeper and more satisfying relationships.

Book an appointment with author Dr. Elizabeth Mahaney and learn better communication skills:

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How I Integrate Gottman Method Couples Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy

When working with couples, I begin with the Gottman Method, using the Sound Relationship House model. It provides a practical and understandable framework that couples can readily adopt. The structured assessment process of the Gottman Method is reassuring and transparent, allowing couples to share their story, be heard individually and together, and identify their relationship strengths and areas for growth. The process instills hope as strengths are highlighted, growth areas are connected with specific skills to be learned, and couples leave with a roadmap for their therapeutic journey.

Integrating the Gottman Method Couples Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy allows for a flexible approach that can shift between relationship-building and attachment-oriented therapy based on the client's needs. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Susan Johnson conducted pioneering research on creating happy and lasting relationships. Initially known primarily in academic circles, their work provided an empirical foundation to the often chaotic and unpredictable field of couples therapy.

Both Gottman and Johnson developed unique models of successful adult relationships, based on different perspectives and data sets. Gottman's research focused on longitudinal and observational studies of couples, examining both distressed relationships and satisfying ones. Johnson, on the other hand, drew from the theoretical framework of John Bowlby and her extensive experience in decoding and tracking couples therapy sessions, resulting in an empirical model of couples therapy.

The Gottmans emphasized relationship skill-building and an existential lens, while Johnson's approach was firmly grounded in Attachment Theory. There were also differences in their views on couples therapy and the role of the therapist. The Gottmans cautioned against therapists becoming indispensable to the couple and encouraged coaching couples to manage their own conflicts and intimacy. Johnson, however, saw the therapist as a "secure base" and aimed to create a secure container where anxiously or avoidantly attached partners could express vulnerable feelings and needs.

Despite their differences, the exciting development lies in the convergence of their approaches and the ability to seamlessly integrate both in couples therapy. This integration allows therapists to adapt their approach based on the couple's emotional system.

When working with couples, I begin with the Gottman Method, using the Sound Relationship House model. It provides a practical and understandable framework that couples can readily adopt. The structured assessment process of the Gottman Method is reassuring and transparent, allowing couples to share their story, be heard individually and together, and identify their relationship strengths and areas for growth. The process instills hope as strengths are highlighted, growth areas are connected with specific skills to be learned, and couples leave with a roadmap for their therapeutic journey.

However, the real work starts when addressing the emotional focus and the influence of attachment histories, styles, and internal working models in intimate relationships, as recognized by both Gottman and Johnson. While helping couples replace destructive patterns with healthier alternatives, I am attuned to their negative emotional cycles and unresolved hurts. With Gottman's language and relationship science in one hand and Johnson's emotion-focused and interpersonal tools in the other, I weave both approaches into the therapeutic process.

For example, when addressing criticism and contempt, I provide practical information to one spouse while simultaneously validating and exploring the attachment needs and emotions of the other partner. I employ Gottman's structured exercises, such as the Aftermath of a Regrettable Incident form, to help couples process arguments and improve their dialogue. Simultaneously, I examine the underlying dynamics of the conflict, considering attachment histories and their impact on individuals' ability to let go of anger or offer tenderness.

The integration of Gottman and Johnson becomes evident in working with bids, turning towards, and processing failed bids. I understand that not all hurts are equal and that certain emotional injuries can be traumatic, triggering deeply held beliefs about oneself, the partner, and relationships. Gottman's Sound Relationship House theory helps couples understand the connection between emotional bank accounts and the overall health of the relationship. Johnson's tools, on the other hand, aid in repairing depleted emotional accounts, acknowledging and healing attachment injuries, and restoring the bond between partners.

While I confess my initial affinity for the Gottman Method, finding comfort in its alignment with my therapeutic style, Johnson's approach challenges me to navigate the depths of primary emotions.


Gottman, J.M. (2007). Marital Therapy: A research-based approach. Training manual for the Level I professional workshop for clinicians. Seattle, WA: The Gottman Institute.

Johnson, S. (2008). Hold Me Tight: Seven conversations for a lifetime of love. New York: Little Brown and Company.

Meunier, V. and Baker, W. (2012). Positive Couple Relationships: The evidence for long lasting relationship satisfaction and happiness. In Roffey, S. (Ed.) Positive Relationships: Evidence-based practice across the world. Sydney, Australia: Springer Publications.

Young, M.A. (2005). Creating a Confluence: An Interview With Susan Johnson and John Gottman. The Family Journal, 13(2), 219-225.

Elizabeth Mahaney, LMHC, MFT, Ph.D

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Navigating Separation: The Benefits of Marriage and Family Therapy

When a couple decides to separate, it can be an emotionally challenging and uncertain time for everyone involved. The turbulence of this period can lead to heightened conflict, misunderstandings, and feelings of isolation. However, seeking support during a separation can offer a ray of hope and provide a path towards healing and growth. One valuable resource to consider is marriage and family therapy. In this blog post, we will explore how attending therapy sessions during a separation can facilitate communication, promote understanding, and ultimately, aid in the transition to a new chapter in life.

When a couple decides to separate, it can be an emotionally challenging and uncertain time for everyone involved. The turbulence of this period can lead to heightened conflict, misunderstandings, and feelings of isolation. However, seeking support during a separation can offer a ray of hope and provide a path towards healing and growth. One valuable resource to consider is marriage and family therapy. In this blog post, we will explore how attending therapy sessions during a separation can facilitate communication, promote understanding, and ultimately, aid in the transition to a new chapter in life.

1. Creating a Safe Space for Communication:

Effective communication often becomes strained during a separation. Emotions run high, and it can be challenging to express thoughts and feelings without escalating conflict. Marriage and family therapy offers a safe and neutral environment where both partners can voice their concerns, fears, and hopes. A skilled therapist can facilitate constructive conversations, ensuring that each person feels heard and validated. Through open and honest dialogue, couples can gain a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives, fostering empathy and reducing tension.

2. Nurturing Emotional Well-being:

Separation brings forth a wide range of emotions, such as grief, anger, fear, and sadness. These emotions can be overwhelming, leading to increased stress and difficulty in managing daily life. Marriage and family therapy provides individuals with a supportive setting to process and express their emotions. Therapists can guide clients in developing coping mechanisms, healthy communication strategies, and self-care practices. By addressing emotional well-being, therapy helps individuals navigate the separation with greater resilience and stability.

3. Facilitating Co-Parenting and Family Transitions:

For couples with children, separation poses additional challenges in terms of co-parenting and managing family dynamics. Marriage and family therapy can play a vital role in helping parents develop effective co-parenting strategies. Therapists can assist in creating parenting plans, improving communication skills, and resolving conflicts related to child-rearing. Additionally, therapy sessions can aid children in understanding and adapting to the changes occurring within the family, promoting their emotional well-being during this transition.

4. Fostering Personal Growth and Self-Reflection:

Separation often prompts individuals to reflect on themselves and their relationships. Marriage and family therapy can facilitate personal growth and self-reflection, empowering individuals to learn from their experiences and make positive changes. Therapists can help clients explore their own roles in the relationship dynamics, identify patterns, and develop healthier behaviors. By gaining insights and self-awareness, individuals can improve their future relationships and build a stronger foundation for personal fulfillment.

5. Transitioning to a New Chapter:

While separation represents the end of one chapter, it also marks the beginning of a new journey. Marriage and family therapy can aid in the transition process, helping individuals redefine their identities and establish goals for the future. Therapists can offer guidance on managing practical aspects such as finances, housing, and legal matters. Moreover, therapy provides ongoing support as individuals navigate the emotional challenges associated with moving forward.

Attending marriage and family therapy during a separation can be a transformative experience. It offers a safe space for open communication, nurtures emotional well-being, and facilitates the development of healthy coping mechanisms. Additionally, therapy supports co-parenting efforts and helps children adjust to new family dynamics. Ultimately, it promotes personal growth and assists individuals in transitioning to a new chapter with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. If you find yourself going through a separation, consider seeking the support of a qualified marriage and family therapist to guide you on this transformative journey.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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Supporting Your Partner Through Difficult Times

Life is filled with ups and downs, and during challenging moments, having a supportive partner can make all the difference. As a couple, navigating difficult times together can strengthen your bond and foster personal growth. Drawing from the perspective of a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), this blog post will explore effective ways to help your partner during tough moments, promoting a healthy and thriving relationship.

Life is filled with ups and downs, and during challenging moments, having a supportive partner can make all the difference. As a couple, navigating difficult times together can strengthen your bond and foster personal growth. Drawing from the perspective of a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), this blog post will explore effective ways to help your partner during tough moments, promoting a healthy and thriving relationship.

  1. Foster Open Communication

Effective compassionate communication forms the foundation of any strong relationship. During difficult times, encourage your partner to express their thoughts and feelings openly. Provide a safe and non-judgmental space where they can freely share their concerns, worries, or frustrations. Actively listen, validate their emotions, and refrain from offering immediate solutions. Sometimes, all they need is a compassionate ear and a shoulder to lean on.

2. Cultivate Empathy and Understanding

Empathy plays a vital role in supporting your partner through challenging times. Put yourself in their shoes, trying to understand their perspective and emotions. Recognize that their experience may differ from yours, and avoid dismissing or minimizing their feelings. Show genuine compassion and validate their experiences, even if you cannot fully relate to their circumstances. Offering empathy allows your partner to feel heard and understood, strengthening the connection between you.

3. Be Present and Available

During difficult times, your partner may need your presence more than ever. Demonstrate your commitment by making time for them, ensuring your availability. Be physically and emotionally present, offering your support and undivided attention. Engage in activities they enjoy or simply spend quality time together. Your consistent presence and active involvement will foster a sense of security and reassurance during their challenging moments.

4. Provide Practical Support

Practical support can alleviate some of the burdens your partner may face. Assess their needs and identify practical ways you can assist them. This could involve helping with household chores, running errands, or taking on additional responsibilities. By sharing the load, you show your partner that you are in this together, reinforcing the idea that you are a team working through adversity.

5. Encourage Self-Care

Encourage and facilitate self-care practices for your partner. During difficult times, individuals may neglect their well-being. Help them prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, therapy, or pursuing hobbies they find fulfilling. Offer to join them in these activities, or support them by giving them space and time for themselves. By nurturing their well-being, you contribute to their overall resilience and ability to cope with challenges.

6. Avoid Judgment and Criticism

In moments of vulnerability, it is crucial to avoid judgment and criticism. Negative or critical remarks can be detrimental to your partner's well-being, exacerbating their difficulties. Instead, practice empathy, understanding, and unconditional positive regard. Create an environment where your partner feels safe expressing their emotions without fear of judgment. Remember, your role is to support and uplift, rather than criticize or belittle.

7. Seek Professional Help if Needed

Recognize when professional help may be beneficial. If your partner's challenges persist or intensify, encourage them to seek support from a qualified therapist or counselor. Professional intervention can provide valuable insights, coping strategies, and personalized guidance to navigate their difficulties. By encouraging this step, you demonstrate your commitment to their well-being and the health of your relationship.

Supporting your partner during difficult times is a testament to the strength and resilience of your relationship. By fostering open communication, empathy, and understanding, you create a safe space for them to share their struggles. Being present, offering practical support, and encouraging self-care can significantly alleviate their burdens. Remember, each individual's journey is unique, and seeking professional help when necessary is a sign of strength and commitment.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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Nonviolent Communication Between Parents and Children

Effective communication is the cornerstone of healthy relationships, and this holds especially true in the parent-child dynamic. Cultivating nonviolent communication between parents and children creates a harmonious environment that fosters understanding, trust, and empathy. In this blog post, we will explore the principles of nonviolent communication and provide practical tips for implementing them in your interactions with your children. By embracing these strategies, you can build strong connections, resolve conflicts peacefully, and promote emotional well-being within your family.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of healthy relationships, and this holds especially true in the parent-child dynamic. Cultivating nonviolent communication between parents and children creates a harmonious environment that fosters understanding, trust, and empathy. In this blog post, we will explore the principles of nonviolent communication and provide practical tips for implementing them in your interactions with your children. By embracing these strategies, you can build strong connections, resolve conflicts peacefully, and promote emotional well-being within your family.

  1. Empathy as the Foundation:

    Nonviolent communication begins with empathetic understanding. Put yourself in your child's shoes, seeking to understand their feelings and needs without judgment. Listen attentively and reflect their emotions back to them. By acknowledging their emotions, you create a safe space where they feel heard and valued.

  2. Cultivate Open and Respectful Dialogue:

    Encourage open dialogue by creating an environment where your children feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions. Avoid dismissing or belittling their feelings, as this can discourage open communication. Practice active listening, maintain eye contact, and respond with empathy and respect. This fosters trust and promotes a sense of equality in your interactions.

  3. Use "I" Statements and Express Feelings:

    When discussing concerns or conflicts, use "I" statements to express how you feel rather than blaming or criticizing. For example, say, "I feel hurt when you speak to me in that tone," instead of, "You're always disrespectful." This approach encourages your child to empathize with your perspective and facilitates a more constructive conversation.

  4. Focus on Needs and Solutions:

    Shift the focus from blame to identifying underlying needs and finding mutually beneficial solutions. When conflicts arise, explore the underlying needs of both parties involved. Collaboratively brainstorm solutions that meet those needs. By involving your child in problem-solving, you teach them valuable negotiation and conflict resolution skills while fostering a sense of autonomy.

  5. Encourage Emotional Intelligence:

    Help your child develop emotional intelligence by teaching them to identify and express their emotions appropriately. Encourage them to articulate their feelings and needs, and guide them in finding healthy ways to manage their emotions. Validate their emotions and provide a nurturing environment where they feel safe to express themselves.

  6. Practice Nonviolent Discipline:

    Discipline is an important aspect of parenting, but it can be done in a nonviolent and respectful manner. Instead of resorting to physical or verbal aggression, focus on teaching, guiding, and setting clear boundaries. Utilize logical consequences, time-outs, or loss of privileges as appropriate. Explain the reasons behind the discipline and ensure your child understands the lesson being taught.

  7. Lead by Example:

    Children learn through observation, so it is crucial to model nonviolent communication in your own interactions. Show empathy, express emotions constructively, and demonstrate effective conflict resolution skills. When you make mistakes, be willing to apologize and take responsibility, teaching your child the importance of accountability and repair.

Nonviolent communication between parents and children builds strong emotional connections and nurtures a peaceful and respectful family dynamic. By prioritizing empathy, practicing open dialogue, focusing on needs and solutions, encouraging emotional intelligence, implementing nonviolent discipline, and leading by example, you lay the foundation for positive and healthy relationships with your children. Remember, effective communication requires ongoing effort and patience, but the rewards of a strong and harmonious parent-child bond are immeasurable.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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Are You Arguing with Your Spouse?

Many couples believe that arguing with their spouse is a sign of a troubled relationship. However, the truth is that disagreements are a natural part of any healthy relationship. In fact, it's normal and even healthy for couples to have arguments from time to time. Here are some reasons why it's okay to argue with your spouse.

Many couples believe that arguing with their spouse is a sign of a troubled relationship. However, the truth is that disagreements are a natural part of any healthy relationship. In fact, it's normal and even healthy for couples to have arguments from time to time. Here are some reasons why it's okay to argue with your spouse.

  1. It allows for honest communication: Arguing with your spouse can provide an opportunity for honest communication. When couples argue, they are expressing their true feelings, thoughts, and concerns. This kind of communication is essential to building a strong and healthy relationship.

  2. It helps to resolve conflicts: Disagreements can provide an opportunity to resolve conflicts. When couples argue, they are addressing issues that need to be resolved. By working through these conflicts together, couples can strengthen their relationship and create a deeper understanding of each other.

  3. It shows that you care: Arguing with your spouse can also be a sign that you care about each other. When couples argue, they are expressing their passion, which is a sign of emotional investment in the relationship. It shows that you are willing to stand up for your beliefs and values, which can create a more meaningful relationship.

  4. It leads to growth and learning: Arguing with your spouse can also lead to personal growth and learning. When couples argue, they are challenging each other's perspectives, which can lead to new insights and understanding. By working through conflicts and disagreements, couples can learn from each other and grow together.

  5. It can bring you closer together: Finally, arguing with your spouse can actually bring you closer together. When couples argue, they are working through difficult issues together, which can create a stronger bond. By being willing to engage in difficult conversations, couples can create a deeper connection and a more intimate relationship.

Arguing with your spouse is a natural and healthy part of any relationship. It allows for honest communication, helps to resolve conflicts, shows that you care, leads to growth and learning, and can bring you closer together. The key is to approach arguments with respect, empathy, and a willingness to listen to each other's perspectives. By doing so, you can turn disagreements into opportunities for growth and strengthen your relationship in the process.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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What is the difference between LMHC and MFT?


When it comes to seeking therapy, there are a variety of mental health professionals to choose from. Two common options are Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHCs) and Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs). While both professions offer valuable support to individuals and families, there are some important differences to consider. In this blog post, we'll explore the difference between licensed mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists.

Elizabeth Mahaney, MA, LMHC, MFT, LPC, LCPC, CCTP, NCC, DCC, Ph.D has a MA in both mental health counseling and marriage and family therapy with specialized training in communication, trauma and many certifications. Here is why this is important:

Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHCs)

LMHCs are mental health professionals who provide counseling services to individuals, couples, and families. They are trained to diagnose and treat a variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and trauma. LMHCs use evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy to help clients work through their challenges.

LMHCs typically hold a Master's degree in counseling or a related field and are licensed by their state's licensing board. In order to become licensed, LMHCs must complete a certain number of supervised clinical hours and pass a licensing exam.

Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs)

MFTs are mental health professionals who specialize in working with couples and families. They are trained to address the unique challenges that arise in family systems, such as communication breakdowns and relationship conflicts. MFTs use a variety of therapeutic approaches, such as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Gottman Approach, and Internal Family Systems, to help families and couples improve their relationships.

MFTs typically hold a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and are licensed by their state's licensing board. In order to become licensed, MFTs must complete a certain number of supervised clinical hours and pass a licensing exam.

Differences between LMHCs and MFTs

While both LMHCs and MFTs provide counseling services, there are some key differences between the two professions. The main difference lies in their areas of specialization. LMHCs are trained to address a wide range of mental health issues, while MFTs focus specifically on relationship and family dynamics.

Another difference is the types of clients they see. While LMHCs work with individuals, couples, and families, MFTs primarily work with couples and families. MFTs use a systemic approach, meaning they view individuals within the context of their family and larger social systems.

Which one is right for you?

The decision between seeing an LMHC or an MFT ultimately depends on your individual needs. If you are struggling with a specific mental health issue, an LMHC may be a better fit. If you are experiencing challenges within your relationships or family system, an MFT may be a better choice.

It's important to do your research and choose a therapist who is licensed and trained in the areas that are most relevant to your needs. Additionally, it's always a good idea to schedule an initial consultation with a therapist to get a sense of their approach and determine if they are a good fit for you.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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