Supporting Your Partner Through Difficult Times

Life is filled with ups and downs, and during challenging moments, having a supportive partner can make all the difference. As a couple, navigating difficult times together can strengthen your bond and foster personal growth. Drawing from the perspective of a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), this blog post will explore effective ways to help your partner during tough moments, promoting a healthy and thriving relationship.

Life is filled with ups and downs, and during challenging moments, having a supportive partner can make all the difference. As a couple, navigating difficult times together can strengthen your bond and foster personal growth. Drawing from the perspective of a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), this blog post will explore effective ways to help your partner during tough moments, promoting a healthy and thriving relationship.

  1. Foster Open Communication

Effective compassionate communication forms the foundation of any strong relationship. During difficult times, encourage your partner to express their thoughts and feelings openly. Provide a safe and non-judgmental space where they can freely share their concerns, worries, or frustrations. Actively listen, validate their emotions, and refrain from offering immediate solutions. Sometimes, all they need is a compassionate ear and a shoulder to lean on.

2. Cultivate Empathy and Understanding

Empathy plays a vital role in supporting your partner through challenging times. Put yourself in their shoes, trying to understand their perspective and emotions. Recognize that their experience may differ from yours, and avoid dismissing or minimizing their feelings. Show genuine compassion and validate their experiences, even if you cannot fully relate to their circumstances. Offering empathy allows your partner to feel heard and understood, strengthening the connection between you.

3. Be Present and Available

During difficult times, your partner may need your presence more than ever. Demonstrate your commitment by making time for them, ensuring your availability. Be physically and emotionally present, offering your support and undivided attention. Engage in activities they enjoy or simply spend quality time together. Your consistent presence and active involvement will foster a sense of security and reassurance during their challenging moments.

4. Provide Practical Support

Practical support can alleviate some of the burdens your partner may face. Assess their needs and identify practical ways you can assist them. This could involve helping with household chores, running errands, or taking on additional responsibilities. By sharing the load, you show your partner that you are in this together, reinforcing the idea that you are a team working through adversity.

5. Encourage Self-Care

Encourage and facilitate self-care practices for your partner. During difficult times, individuals may neglect their well-being. Help them prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, therapy, or pursuing hobbies they find fulfilling. Offer to join them in these activities, or support them by giving them space and time for themselves. By nurturing their well-being, you contribute to their overall resilience and ability to cope with challenges.

6. Avoid Judgment and Criticism

In moments of vulnerability, it is crucial to avoid judgment and criticism. Negative or critical remarks can be detrimental to your partner's well-being, exacerbating their difficulties. Instead, practice empathy, understanding, and unconditional positive regard. Create an environment where your partner feels safe expressing their emotions without fear of judgment. Remember, your role is to support and uplift, rather than criticize or belittle.

7. Seek Professional Help if Needed

Recognize when professional help may be beneficial. If your partner's challenges persist or intensify, encourage them to seek support from a qualified therapist or counselor. Professional intervention can provide valuable insights, coping strategies, and personalized guidance to navigate their difficulties. By encouraging this step, you demonstrate your commitment to their well-being and the health of your relationship.

Supporting your partner during difficult times is a testament to the strength and resilience of your relationship. By fostering open communication, empathy, and understanding, you create a safe space for them to share their struggles. Being present, offering practical support, and encouraging self-care can significantly alleviate their burdens. Remember, each individual's journey is unique, and seeking professional help when necessary is a sign of strength and commitment.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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7 Daily Habits for Bettering Your Mental Health

Improving your mental health doesn't require drastic changes; it starts with small, daily habits that positively impact your overall well-being. By practicing mindfulness, setting boundaries, engaging in regular exercise, nurturing relationships, prioritizing self-care, getting sufficient sleep, and cultivating gratitude, you can transform your mental landscape and lead a more fulfilling life. Remember, taking care of your mental health is a continuous journey, and each small step counts towards a healthier, happier you.

Taking care of our mental health is crucial for overall well-being and happiness. Just as we engage in daily activities to maintain physical health, it's essential to develop habits that promote good mental health. In this blog post, we'll explore seven simple but effective tips for improving your mental well-being on a daily basis. By incorporating these habits into your routine, you can cultivate a positive mindset and lead a more fulfilling life.

1. Practice Mindfulness:

Start your day with mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking a few moments to focus on the present moment. Mindfulness helps calm the mind, reduces stress, and enhances self-awareness. It allows you to let go of negative thoughts and cultivate a positive mindset.

2. Establish Healthy Boundaries:

Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining good mental health. Learn to say "no" when necessary, and don't overcommit yourself. Recognize your limits and communicate them effectively. By establishing healthy boundaries, you can reduce stress, prevent burnout, and prioritize self-care.

3. Engage in Physical Exercise:

Regular physical exercise not only benefits your physical health but also has a profound impact on your mental well-being. Engaging in activities like walking, jogging, yoga, or dancing releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and boost your overall mood.

4. Connect with Others:

Human connection is vital for our mental health. Nurture your relationships by spending quality time with loved ones, friends, or participating in group activities. Engage in meaningful conversations, express your emotions, and seek support when needed. Building a strong support system can provide comfort, reduce feelings of isolation, and foster a sense of belonging.

5. Practice Self-Care:

Self-care is essential for maintaining a healthy mind. Dedicate time each day to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's reading a book, taking a bath, practicing a hobby, or listening to music, make self-care a priority. Taking care of yourself enables you to recharge, reduce stress, and improve your overall mental well-being.

6. Prioritize Sleep:

A good night's sleep is crucial for mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a soothing bedtime routine, and ensure your sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to rest. Sufficient sleep improves cognitive function, regulates mood, and enhances emotional resilience.

7. Practice Gratitude:

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude has a profound impact on mental health. Each day, take a few moments to reflect on the things you're grateful for. This practice helps shift your focus to the positive aspects of life, promotes optimism, and reduces stress. Consider keeping a gratitude journal or sharing your gratitude with others to enhance its effects.

Improving your mental health doesn't require drastic changes; it starts with small, daily habits that positively impact your overall well-being. By practicing mindfulness, setting boundaries, engaging in regular exercise, nurturing relationships, prioritizing self-care, getting sufficient sleep, and cultivating gratitude, you can transform your mental landscape and lead a more fulfilling life. Remember, taking care of your mental health is a continuous journey, and each small step counts towards a healthier, happier you.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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Everyone Benefits from Therapy

‌The decision to seek therapy can often feel like a big step, and it's not uncommon for people to put it off until they are in the midst of a major life crisis. However, therapy can be incredibly beneficial even when things are going relatively well in life. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the reasons why it's good to go to therapy even when nothing major is going on.

‌The decision to seek therapy can often feel like a big step, and it's not uncommon for people to put it off until they are in the midst of a major life crisis. However, therapy can be incredibly beneficial even when things are going relatively well in life. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the reasons why it's good to go to therapy even when nothing major is going on.

  1. Preventative Care

Just as we go to the doctor for annual check-ups and preventative care, therapy can serve as a form of mental and emotional preventative care. By addressing any underlying issues before they become major problems, you can prevent them from escalating into something more serious.

  1. Increased Self-Awareness

Therapy provides a space for you to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By exploring these aspects of yourself, you can gain a greater understanding of who you are and what makes you tick. This increased self-awareness can help you make more intentional choices in your life and improve your overall well-being.

  1. Improved Communication Skills

Therapy provides an opportunity to practice communication skills in a safe and supportive environment. This can help you become more adept at expressing yourself, setting boundaries, and resolving conflicts in your personal and professional relationships.

  1. Coping Skills

Life is full of ups and downs, and therapy can equip you with coping skills to navigate the inevitable challenges that come your way. By learning healthy coping mechanisms, you can manage stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions more effectively.

  1. Personal Growth

Even when things are going well, there is always room for personal growth. Therapy can help you identify areas for improvement and provide guidance and support as you work towards your goals.

So basically, there are many reasons why it's good to go to therapy even when nothing major is going on in your life. From preventative care to personal growth, therapy can provide a wealth of benefits that can improve your overall well-being and quality of life. So, if you've been considering therapy but have been hesitant to take the leap, consider giving it a try. You might be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your life.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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How to overcome social media addiction and do a digital detox

Last month Supervised Therapist Kaitlin Lowey was featured on WFLA’s Bloom. She provided tips on how to overcome social media addiction and do a digital detox. You can watch the full segment here. Below is a summary of the clip.

Internet, phone, and social media addiction is a growing concern in today's digital age, with many people finding it hard to disconnect from their devices and online networks. As we explore the psychological reasons behind this phenomenon, it becomes clear that the internet and social media meet certain human needs that are crucial to our well-being. But at what cost?

Last month Supervised Therapist Kaitlin Lowey was featured on WFLA’s Bloom. She provided tips on how to overcome social media addiction and do a digital detox. You can watch the full segment here. Below is a summary of the clip.

Doom scrolling on social media can have a negative impact on your health.

Mental Health Counseling Professional, Kaitlin Lowey, from South Tampa Therapy joined Gayle Guyardo, the host of the global health and wellness show, Bloom, to share more about why a digital detox is beneficial for your health.

Using social media and the internet feels good because it meets certain psychological needs in an instant

One of the main psychological needs met is the need for social connection and belonging. People can stay in touch with friends and family, connect with like-minded individuals, and find support and validation. 

Another important one is the need for information and knowledge – and deeper than that, a need for a feeling of control and certainty. The internet provides access to a vast amount of information on any topic, and this accumulation of knowledge can provide a sense of comfort when aspects of our lives feel out of our control. 

While the internet and social media can be beneficial in many ways, excessive use or addiction can have negative effects on mental health

Studies have shown that excessive internet and social media use can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and low self-esteem. The constant stimulation and distraction of the internet and social media can also interfere with sleep, productivity, and overall quality of life.

There are remarkable benefits of taking a break from, or limiting, social media use

Taking a break from social media use is linked to  reduced stress and anxiety, improved self-esteem, and increased productivity. In a 2018 study found that limiting social media use to 30 minutes per day led to significant reductions in depression and loneliness. By disconnecting from the constant barrage of information and stimulation, we can focus on more meaningful activities and relationships, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and well-being.

To successfully take a break from problematic internet or social media use, the key is to make a plan 

Before starting, track your triggers. What is happening in those moments before you reach for your phone, and how are you feeling? Are you feeling bored? Anxious? Lonely? These feelings are connected to deeper psychological needs, such as the need for connection, certainty, and purpose.

Then, identify coping skills and alternative activities that meet your psychological needs in healthier ways. For example, you can connect with friends and family in person, engage in physical exercise, pursue creative hobbies, or volunteer in your community. Mindfulness-based interventions, such as meditation and mindful breathing, have been effective in reducing social media addiction. It can be helpful and insight-building to journal your thoughts and feelings. You might be surprised by what you learn about yourself. 

Finally, let technology help you! Apps that encourage users to engage in alternative activities, such as exercise and mindfulness, have been shown to be effective in reducing social media addiction. Don’t beat yourself up if you slip. Addictions are hard to beat! Rather, gently notice what happened, ask yourself what you are needing in that moment, and consider other ways you can meet that need using your coping skills.

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Compassion, Empathy, Eating Disorder Elizabeth Mahaney Compassion, Empathy, Eating Disorder Elizabeth Mahaney


Self compassion helps with eating disorder recovery. Overcome the internal battle with peace of mind and these helpful tools.


Many of my clients express to me that as their symptoms and eating disorder behaviors increase so does the volume of the eating disorder “Ed” voice. Let me tell you, Ed’s voice could not be further from one of compassion but rather it is critical, shaming, cruel, persuading, and even violent. Some clients have told me “It’s like a drill segreant. If I do not obey my safety feels threatened.” I am not suggesting that people suffering from eating disorders literally have another person living in their head, but once eating disorders are triggered the thought patterns that fuel the behaviors are par for the course and addressing Ed’s voice is a fundamental part of treatment and treatment outcomes.

I will make a quick statement that as one becomes nutritionally rehabilitated (regardless of weight) with a balanced meal plan provided by a registered eating disorder dietician the voice will quiet naturally. Addressing malnourishment is the first step of recovery but that does not mean that starting the work of self-compassion cannot go hand in hand. Self-compassion is a life practice not just a recovery practice. 


Dr. Kristen Neff is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on self-compassion. She was the first person to operationally define and measure the construct around 20 years ago. You can check out her website here. Here is how Kristen understands self-compassion. 

“Self-compassion is extending compassion to one’s self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering.” 

Kristen’s three key ingredients to self-compassion are: 

  1. Mindfulness -a non-judgmental, receptive mind state in which individuals observe their thoughts and feelings as they are, without trying to suppress or deny them.

  2. Common humanity-suffering and personal failure is part of the shared human experience rather than isolating.

  3. Self-kindness -being warm towards oneself when encountering pain and personal shortcomings, rather than ignoring them or hurting oneself with self-criticism.


Imagine you are carelessly strolling down the street and suddenly you catch your reflection in the shop window and BOOM Ed voice says…

 “I can’t believe you chose to eat that gelato with lunch. I told you not to and now look at you, you’re bloated. Honestly your stomach is disgusting. You are so weak. I can’t believe you have the nerve to be out in public right now. You need to get your act together and (insert ED behavior) exercise, restrict, purge, isolate, cut etc.” 

Instead of mindlessly obeying Ed you could instead take a Self-Compassion Break.  Even if you end up following through with the behavior pausing and trying something different is building towards your recovery and diminishing the power of ED. 


Mindfulness: Recognize you are experiencing some form of struggle. Emotional, physical, or mental pain. Identify the pain and in a compassionate tone, you might say “This is scary, I am afraid I gained weight. I am afraid if I don’t punish myself for the gelato I have failed. I feel guilty.” The goal is to recognize and validate the difficulty with a compassionate tone.

Common Humanity: Remind yourself that everyone (especially others suffering with ED’s) have experienced this form of suffering and know how you feel. You are not alone, and it is exactly suffering and relating to one other through empathy, validation, and compassion that binds humans closer to one another.  

Self-Kindness: The final steps is offering yourself kindness amidst the suffering ( fear, guilt, and ED’s mean voice) through giving yourself kind words and actions. Kristin Neff has called this the yin and yang of self-compassion. The yin being kind words to oneself and yang being kind actions. Kind words could be “You are brave for facing your fears and pursuing recovery. You enjoyed that Gelato and it was so such a fun lunch with your friend. There are others who would be inspired by your recovery action today.” For a kind action you can choose any out of your self-care toolbox as long as it represents kindness towards self-amidst the suffering and goes against the will of Ed’s voice. 

I encourage you to try using Self-Compassion Breaks as much as you can. The Ed voice will not get any weaker unless we become mindful of it, validate and feel our feelings, and respond with kindness. 

Follow this link for more tools to practice self-compassion! 

By Shaundra McGuire, MHCI

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Self Care Elizabeth Mahaney Self Care Elizabeth Mahaney

What Self-Care is Really About? 

Self-care has become a buzz word. Images of spa days, face masks, and bubble baths prevail. These activities might be relaxing but self-care is more about paying attention to this key question, “what do I need?” Whether it’s your therapist or partner our human tendency is to assume that others magically know both what our needs are and how to meet them. This unrealistic expectation leads to resentment. It is our responsibility to first become mindful of our needs and then to communicate them to others. If you practice slowing down and asking the question “what do I need” you’ll find the answers inherent within yourself.  

This process is active and ongoing, but it could start with respecting your basic human needs. How did I sleep last night? Am I hungry? Thirsty? Do I need a hug? Have I laughed recently? When we ignore our bodies, we disconnect from ourselves as “holistic” beings. It causes a split between the mind and body, which can damage our mental health and relationships. 

Setting appropriate boundaries is another fundamental principle of self-care. Boundaries are essentially learning when to say no to a person or thing so that we can yes to something else. Here are some helpful questions: What areas am I feeling pushed, pulled, or drained? What people or things do I dread? What would I like instead? What can I do about it? 

Another principle is acceptance. There are days and circumstances where we can’t get all our needs met. There are partners who may not respect our boundaries. It’s Ok, this is a journey, and all you need to do is compassionately take steps forward each day. 

Some people think self-care is selfish “I have deadlines to meet, friends and family to check on, and that never-ending checklist.” “I don’t have time to pause.” Pausing is far from selfish. When using mindfulness to meet your needs, you will notice that you show up in all aspects of your life re-fueled, re-energized and far more productive and happier. Think about a hungry child, who is incapable of sitting still or doing their school work. You give them a snack and a hug or let them run around and they transform. Nourishment is not just nutritional, it applies to our need for connection, love, play, and more. Whether it’s depression or a conflict-ridden relationship, taking these basic steps will allow you to tackle those battles from a healthier place. We are all deserving of self-care!

By Shaundra McGuire, MHCI

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