Staying Grounded: Tips from South Tampa Therapy on Clearing Your Mind

These strategies are not just tips but essential tools for anyone looking to lead a more balanced and grounded life. At South Tampa Therapy, we are committed to providing resources that help our community manage stress, understand themselves better, and enhance their quality of life. Taking small steps can lead to significant changes. Start incorporating these practices into your daily routine and observe the positive shifts in your mental state.

In a recent appearance on the nationally syndicated health and wellness show Bloom, Ari Leal, a dedicated therapist from South Tampa Therapy, shared invaluable insights with host Gayle Guyardo on simple yet effective ways to maintain mental clarity and stay grounded.

Embrace Physical Movement Ari emphasizes the significant impact of physical activity on mental health. It's not just about staying fit; even minimal daily exercise can dramatically reduce stress levels and boost your mood. Releasing endorphins through as little as five minutes of exercise a day can enhance your mental clarity and overall well-being. Whether it's a short walk, a yoga session, or a quick workout, getting your body moving is a cornerstone of a healthy mental routine.

Cultivate Creativity Engaging in creative activities serves as a powerful tool to keep your mind focused and present. Ari suggests incorporating practices like drawing, journaling, or playing a musical instrument into your daily routine. These activities help anchor you in the moment, diverting your thoughts from everyday stresses and channeling your energy into productive and fulfilling endeavors.

Connect with Nature Another key piece of advice from Ari involves the healing powers of nature. Stepping outside and immersing yourself in a natural setting can be incredibly soothing for the mind and body. The simple act of reconnecting with the environment helps regulate your nervous system, allowing you to clear your mind and focus on the sensory experiences around you—what you can see, hear, and feel.

Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is more than a practice; it's a lifestyle change that involves being fully present and engaged with the here and now. According to Ari, mindfulness means concentrating on what you're doing at the moment, avoiding spirals of worry about things beyond your control. This practice can transform how you interact with the world, helping you appreciate every moment and reduce anxiety about the future.

These strategies from Ari Leal are not just tips but essential tools for anyone looking to lead a more balanced and grounded life. At South Tampa Therapy, we are committed to providing resources that help our community manage stress, understand themselves better, and enhance their quality of life. For more tips on mental wellness or to learn about our therapy services, visit our WHO WE ARE page or WHAT WE DO page to learn more!

Remember, taking small steps can lead to significant changes. Start incorporating these practices into your daily routine and observe the positive shifts in your mental state.

Book with Ari Leal, MA, CMHCI:

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Navigating Separation: The Benefits of Marriage and Family Therapy

When a couple decides to separate, it can be an emotionally challenging and uncertain time for everyone involved. The turbulence of this period can lead to heightened conflict, misunderstandings, and feelings of isolation. However, seeking support during a separation can offer a ray of hope and provide a path towards healing and growth. One valuable resource to consider is marriage and family therapy. In this blog post, we will explore how attending therapy sessions during a separation can facilitate communication, promote understanding, and ultimately, aid in the transition to a new chapter in life.

When a couple decides to separate, it can be an emotionally challenging and uncertain time for everyone involved. The turbulence of this period can lead to heightened conflict, misunderstandings, and feelings of isolation. However, seeking support during a separation can offer a ray of hope and provide a path towards healing and growth. One valuable resource to consider is marriage and family therapy. In this blog post, we will explore how attending therapy sessions during a separation can facilitate communication, promote understanding, and ultimately, aid in the transition to a new chapter in life.

1. Creating a Safe Space for Communication:

Effective communication often becomes strained during a separation. Emotions run high, and it can be challenging to express thoughts and feelings without escalating conflict. Marriage and family therapy offers a safe and neutral environment where both partners can voice their concerns, fears, and hopes. A skilled therapist can facilitate constructive conversations, ensuring that each person feels heard and validated. Through open and honest dialogue, couples can gain a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives, fostering empathy and reducing tension.

2. Nurturing Emotional Well-being:

Separation brings forth a wide range of emotions, such as grief, anger, fear, and sadness. These emotions can be overwhelming, leading to increased stress and difficulty in managing daily life. Marriage and family therapy provides individuals with a supportive setting to process and express their emotions. Therapists can guide clients in developing coping mechanisms, healthy communication strategies, and self-care practices. By addressing emotional well-being, therapy helps individuals navigate the separation with greater resilience and stability.

3. Facilitating Co-Parenting and Family Transitions:

For couples with children, separation poses additional challenges in terms of co-parenting and managing family dynamics. Marriage and family therapy can play a vital role in helping parents develop effective co-parenting strategies. Therapists can assist in creating parenting plans, improving communication skills, and resolving conflicts related to child-rearing. Additionally, therapy sessions can aid children in understanding and adapting to the changes occurring within the family, promoting their emotional well-being during this transition.

4. Fostering Personal Growth and Self-Reflection:

Separation often prompts individuals to reflect on themselves and their relationships. Marriage and family therapy can facilitate personal growth and self-reflection, empowering individuals to learn from their experiences and make positive changes. Therapists can help clients explore their own roles in the relationship dynamics, identify patterns, and develop healthier behaviors. By gaining insights and self-awareness, individuals can improve their future relationships and build a stronger foundation for personal fulfillment.

5. Transitioning to a New Chapter:

While separation represents the end of one chapter, it also marks the beginning of a new journey. Marriage and family therapy can aid in the transition process, helping individuals redefine their identities and establish goals for the future. Therapists can offer guidance on managing practical aspects such as finances, housing, and legal matters. Moreover, therapy provides ongoing support as individuals navigate the emotional challenges associated with moving forward.

Attending marriage and family therapy during a separation can be a transformative experience. It offers a safe space for open communication, nurtures emotional well-being, and facilitates the development of healthy coping mechanisms. Additionally, therapy supports co-parenting efforts and helps children adjust to new family dynamics. Ultimately, it promotes personal growth and assists individuals in transitioning to a new chapter with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. If you find yourself going through a separation, consider seeking the support of a qualified marriage and family therapist to guide you on this transformative journey.

Author: Crystin Nichols
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Suicide Awareness and Assessing Signs of Risk in Loved Ones:

When I work with clients who are struggling with suicidal ideation, I start by normalizing those thoughts and taking some of the weight and judgement away. I explain that it’s natural for our minds to search for escape routes from life’s struggles. For some people, that escape route looks like “I just want to drop everything and move to a remote island where I know no one and have no responsibilities.” For others, it may look like suicidal thoughts. The theme of escaping life’s responsibilities is the same — and we can share empathy about how hard it can be to face overwhelming difficulty, especially when we don’t have enough support.

Suicidal thoughts can be very isolating for an individual. Letting someone know that you are aware of their struggles and here as a helpful support for them can make all the difference. Know that it can help to talk with the individual openly about their suicidal thoughts, make it known that it’s okay that they are dealing with this, and always share that there are resources to help.

 According to the CDC, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Nearly 46,000 people died by suicide in 2020, which would equate to an average of 1 death every 11 minutes. But suicide can be preventable, and there are resources available to help.


On July 16th of this year, 988 became the nationwide suicide hotline number. All texts or calls made to 988 are directly rooted to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline where you will be supported and helped by trained mental health professionals.


YOU can also help!


Noticing signs of suicide:

If you hear or notice any of the following thoughts or behaviors in someone you know, they may be at risk for suicide.

  • Talking about wanting to die

    • “I just can’t take it anymore”

    • “I wish everything could end”

    • “I feel too much guilt or shame to continue on”

    • “I feel like a burden and people would be better off without me”

  • Expressing feelings surrounding:

    • Loneliness, feeling isolated and that there is no one to live for

    • Hopelessness, feeling like there is no “light at the end of the tunnel”

    • Trapped, feeling stuck in a difficult situation with no foreseeable way out

    • Sad, depressed, anxious feelings

    • Strong emotional or physical pain

    • Low self-esteem, feeling unworthy of love and connection

  • Behaviors:

    • Researching ways to die

    • Making a suicide plan

    • Purchasing lethal weapons (guns, knives, pills, rope)

    • Withdrawing from social circles and saying goodbye to loved ones

    • Giving away important keepsakes

    • Writing a will

    • Dangerous risk-taking behaviors, such as driving reckless

    • Exhibiting extreme mood swings

    • Eating and/or sleeping less

    • Increased substance use (drugs and/or alcohol)

    • Poor self-hygiene

The first step in being a helpful resource to someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts is knowing and understanding the signs above. If you notice someone who is exhibiting any of these signs, it’s important to talk directly with them about it. It’s also important not to pass judgment or shame on the individual for having these thoughts.


When I work with clients who are struggling with suicidal ideation, I start by normalizing those thoughts and taking some of the weight and judgement away. I explain that it’s natural for our minds to search for escape routes from life’s struggles. For some people, that escape route looks like “I just want to drop everything and move to a remote island where I know no one and have no responsibilities.” For others, it may look like suicidal thoughts. The theme of escaping life’s responsibilities is the same — and we can share empathy about how hard it can be to face overwhelming difficulty, especially when we don’t have enough support. 


Suicidal thoughts can be very isolating for an individual. Letting someone know that you are aware of their struggles and here as a helpful support for them can make all the difference. Know that it can help to talk with the individual openly about their suicidal thoughts, make it known that it’s okay that they are dealing with this, and always share that there are resources to help.


The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 is available 24/7, 365 days a year.


Also, helping that individual find a supportive therapist can help with long-term improvement and maintaining safety plans. Book an appointment for you or a loved one today.

Author: Jamie Rudden, MFTI


For more facts on suicide visit:,one%20death%20every%2011%20minutes.&text=The%20number%20of%20people%20who,attempt%20suicide%20is%20even%20higher.

A special thank you to Jamie Rudden for all of the supportive work that you have done with us and prior to your hard work at South Tampa Therapy! It takes a special compassionate and supportive person to BE THERE and STAY ATTUNED.

I appreciate you.


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